영훈국제중학교 로고

About Us


(School Identity)


The former school emblem of a crown has been reinterpreted to carry on Young Hoon’s tradition. By integrating a shield reflecting the identity of a private Christian school and the initials 'YH,' the emblem now embodies Young Hoon's vision of nurturing talented individuals who become the light of the world.

시계방향으로 영훈재단로고, 영훈초등학교 로고, 영훈고등학교 로고, 영훈국제중학교 로고
  • Shield

    Shield of faith, symbolizing a private Christian school

  • YH

    Initials representing tradition and representative attribute of Young Hoon

  • Gold Stars

    The central star symbolizes the community of Young Hoon, who becomes the light of the world, and the four core competences that must be developed through education:
    1. Love (brightness)
    2. Passion (warmth)
    3. Creativity (novelty)
    4. Service (consideration)

  • Young Hoon Navy

    A color that symbolizes Truth and creativity


영훈국제중학교 엠블럼


Young Hoon International
Middle School 

Young Hoon International
Middle School 
PE Uniform