영훈초등학교 로고


Christian Education

We provide Christian education with the goal of cultivating individuals who, grounded in their faith,
become positive influences in the world.

You are the light of the world.(Matthew 5:14)

Young Hoon Elementary School is dedicated to providing Christian education with the goal of nurturing individuals who, rooted in their faith, become positive influences in the world. We have four educational goals (CLCC) for Christian education. Our programs include weekly worship and character education sessions, morning QT (Quiet Time) clubs, the Eirene praise team, and faith camp activities during vacations. We hope that the children here at Young Hoon will be like 'light,' illuminating the dark areas of the world with hope and optimism, just as light dispels darkness and provides warmth.

  • Character

    Embodying the virtues and values exemplified by Jesus Christ.

  • Leadership

    Serving as responsible stewards in the kingdom of God

  • Culture

    Discerning moral principles amidst media influences and impacting society positively.

  • Calling

    Exploring and equipping oneself for the divine purpose bestowed by God.

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  • 기도하는 아이들 사진
  • 기도하는 아이들 사진
  • 기도하는 아이들 사진

Christian Activities for Students

  • Worship and QT (Quiet Time) Broadcast

    Becoming true worshipers who please God.Commencing the week by entrusting it to God through weekly QT broadcasts.
  • Character and Career Education

    Cultivating leaders with positive influence who advance towards becoming the light of the world.Weekly character and career education sessions for all grades, grounded in the Christian worldview.
  • Eirene Praise Team

    A leader who serves in worship through praise and dance.Practice for the praise and worship team is held every Tuesday afternoon from 3:10 to 4:00.
  • Morning QT Meeting

    A dedicated time to begin the day with Scripture meditation and intercessory prayer.Held every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 to 8:20 in the morning.
  • Agape Club

    A group of children embodying and expressing God's love.Conducted by class for 4th to 6th grades.
    (Activities include school greetings, sharing birthday gifts, and monthly Bible verse events.)
  • Agape Camp

    Conducted during summer and winter vacations.Provides an opportunity to learn about community spirit within the Christian worldview through praise, Scripture study, and various programs.

Christian Activities for Parents

Parents' Prayer Meeting

A dedicated time to pray for children, families, schools, and the nation.

Held every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:20 to 11:40 at the Vision Center

Christian Activities for Teachers

Staff Devotional Meeting

A time to share life through the Word, praise, and intercessory prayer.

Scheduled every Tuesday from 16:00 to 16:30.

Shinwoohoe (The Society of Believers) Worship Service:

A time to share grace together in response to God's calling

The last Tuesday of every month after school, from 16:00 to 17:00.

Staff Morning Prayer Meetings

Take place every Friday from 7:50 to 8:10.